February 8, 2025, Saturday
२०८१ माघ २६, शनिबार


Reecha Adhikari
Class : 8
Vidya Sadan Schoool

Today the whole world is suffering from coronavirus. Most of the countries are locked down. Every school, offices, stores, colleges, universities, parks, etc. are closed. So nowadays we students are studying through online classes. Some of the students and teachers are using online classes these days.

The online class has made students’ life busy during this lockdown period. I am also studying from online class provided by my school for 1 hour or 40 minutes. The online class is important during the lockdown to continue our learning process. These days people are using the Zoom app for the online class. The online class makes better relations with students and teachers and also increases social interaction during this lockdown. In the online class, we do some classwork and we get some homework too. We can also increase our knowledge to use technical things. We can get knowledge of something new. Online classes have some disadvantages also. All of the students do not have access to the internet. Those who have access may have network problem and they cannot learn.  Network problem is the main problem for the online class.

Many parents may think that the online class is unnecessary and that is just for time waste. But their views are wrong. If we understand the importance of online class and use it in the right way then it is better for students.