Put Your Heart into It

Last Friday our English teacher introduced a
hag of an old guy who said he was a teacher all life. He was to share his
experiences and advance some tips for us to do better in our lives. He began
that some seventy years ago when he was leaving for the capital after doing his
SLC, his father gave him eighty rupees and said, “Bobby, I can’t help you
any further. You try to rely upon yourself. One thing remember : whatever you
do, put your heart into it”.
Born and brought up in a remote village of
Illam, he could hardly make out its connotation at that time. Then he asked if
any one of us could make its heads or tails. The class went pin drop silence
for a few seconds till a famous back bencher though popular, mostly with girls,
ventured to guess it. As he stood to answer, all eyes turned to him where
particularly the maiden eyes had indeed very rare glint in them. As such, he
also had found ways to wink most of them as flashes and make them blush to
their ears. Turning to the guest then he said “I think putting one’s heart
into it means to devote heart and soul to what one does, just” casting a
glance to his fans with a twitch of killing smile he concluded “as I do to
my dear pals.” He blew a lovely kiss again towards the girls and sat down
amid a hilarious laughter.
After enjoying a while the delight of the
hour, the old man continued “Well hero, my congratulation but then for the
benefit of your less adroit friends in the art of putting their hearts in it
and turning a hero like you, why don’t you disclose the secret of doing it
“Well sir, to be frank, I’d love to keep
this art within myself so there would be no one challenging my domain and isn’t
being such clever and careful about one’s chosen matter the best example of
putting one’s heart into it ?”
After the suspension of the second uproar of
laughter, the old man persisted “Of course young man, I adore your rare
contrivance yet I urge very earnestly to furnish at least with one or two
“Well sir, in that case, let me just make
hints about the more obvious one’s like the cares paid on my own get up and
preparedness for every opportune praise and accessories, which are most
effective in this aspect of life.” After the third course of laughter the
old man changed the topic and said “How about study ? Should not it have
the first preference ?” The boy was ready for that too when he said
“Well sir, I’m not bad in study either but, as you said, my ‘chosen
subject’ receives my first preference.”
The old man then with a hearty laugh added
“All the best, my dear !” Then switching to the next boy, he asked
“Pray you tall guy there, what are you putting your heart into ?” He
was prompt too in his response. He said “Mine is all study, sir.” The
old man eyed him studiously and added “Any proof ?” The boy replied
“Whatever may satisfy you, sir, my pleasure”. The old man said
“If so, please say who the publisher of your English textbook is and
whichever edition you are using.” The boy thought a minute then with a deep
flush said “Sorry, sir, I’ve got no idea about both things.” With an
amused smile the old man said “Then you haven’t put your heart into it
well, have you ?” The boy felt more ashamed and kept blushing deeper. His
neighbour advanced instead “But are such extra information much necessary
in the textual study ?” The old man with a slight twitch on his lips said
“You mean for your study you don’t need to know your teacher’s familial as
well as educational backgrounds and his allied aptitudes, do you ?” Now
was his turn to blush profusely and he made an excuse “I didn’t mean that,
sir, and added “I mean the teacher and the textbook are much apart.”
But he did not sound strong enough in his conviction. However his teacher, a
silent observer so far, interfered “Of course they are not of primary
importance but they show how careful, interested and aware you are in related
matters of your study. In fact, they help make your knowledge integrated, broad
and strong enough. They add to the store of your knowledge and enhance your
confidence”. Kamala, a girl in the opposite row remarked rather amusingly
“In other words, apart from assisting you, they would prove your putting
your heart into it !” Following another break out of laughter, she added “But
then if I surmise most people fail to put their heart into their job as
completely and sincerely as it could and should have been, may I be wrong
The old man jumped up “Nay, you won’t.
Instead, it is a universal truth that none seems successful to put his or her
heart literally well into one’s work. Had they been able to do so, we would
have all men Rama and Krishna, Buddha and Gandhi, Lincoln and Lenin instead of
the flocks throughout the globe lamenting perpetually following hundreds of
grievances every decade, every age and every eon.” But Kamala butted again
“Contrarily sir, even you referred them as modals yet if they were
successful in putting their heart in their mission” she stared around and
continued “Rama wouldn’t have been a broken hearted man seriously criticized
and wouldn’t have committed suicide following the suit of his wife. Krishna
wouldn’t have to take one after another incarnation infinitely. Similarly
Buddha wouldn’t have been compelled to render himself into statues wherefrom he
is forced to keep watching men and women continuously molested under his own
shadow nor Gandhi would have been killed. Lenin, similarly wouldn’t have been
shot while alive and demolished even several decades after death nor Lincoln
would nave the same fate followed by unending hatred and strife and misery
caused thereby among men under a number of excuses like caste, colour, class,
creed and else.”
A dead silence wrapped the class for a minute
or two until the first guy from the back bench again broke it with a coughing
and fairly serious this time assessed “But I think perhaps there must be a
demarcation concerning putting ones heart between general and particular
liability. As such every one is liable to the latter one while the former
belongs to wider dimension, variegated treatment and special personae and still
a business never well accomplished at all.”
Now the old man as suddenly found an outlet,
concluded with a warm thanks-giving. He said “Very lively discussion,
children, felt greatly delighted, thank you. To sum up at the end, indeed,
putting one’s heart is important to achieve success but it is subject to
perspectives- mainly general and particular. The ordinary man is liable in
putting his or her heart in his or her particular goal whereas the superior
personae, in the general welfare of the states and the mankind as a whole. But
it also appeared through the discussion that putting one’s heart literally is
an idealism that being subject to several conditions, is never realized fully
perfect and only needs to pursue persistently on and on.”
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